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Intelligent agents have great potential as facilitators of group conversation among older adults. However, little is known about how to design agents for this purpose and user group, especially in terms of agent embodiment. To this end, we conducted a mixed methods study of older adults' reactions to voice and body in a group conversation facilitation agent. Two agent forms with the same underlying artificial intelligence (AI) and voice system were compared: a humanoid robot and a voice assistant. One preliminary study (total n=24) and one experimental study comparing voice and body morphologies (n=36) were conducted with older adults and an experienced human facilitator. Findings revealed that the artificiality of the agent, regardless of its form, was beneficial for the socially uncomfortable task of conversation facilitation. Even so, talkative personality types had a poorer experience with the "bodied" robot version. Design implications and supplementary reactions, especially to agent voice, are also discussed.
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Artificial intelligence (AI) has enormous potential to improve Air Force pilot training by providing actionable feedback to pilot trainees on the quality of their maneuvers and enabling instructor-less flying familiarization for early-stage trainees in low-cost simulators. Historically, AI challenges consisting of data, problem descriptions, and example code have been critical to fueling AI breakthroughs. The Department of the Air Force-Massachusetts Institute of Technology AI Accelerator (DAF-MIT AI Accelerator) developed such an AI challenge using real-world Air Force flight simulator data. The Maneuver ID challenge assembled thousands of virtual reality simulator flight recordings collected by actual Air Force student pilots at Pilot Training Next (PTN). This dataset has been publicly released at Maneuver-ID.mit.edu and represents the first of its kind public release of USAF flight training data. Using this dataset, we have applied a variety of AI methods to separate "good" vs "bad" simulator data and categorize and characterize maneuvers. These data, algorithms, and software are being released as baselines of model performance for others to build upon to enable the AI ecosystem for flight simulator training.
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本文介绍了增强现实耳机(AR)耳机的实用响应和性能感知的开发,该耳机可帮助用户了解在真实嘈杂的回声环境中进行的对话(例如,鸡尾酒会)。人们可以使用称为快速多通道非负矩阵分解(FastMNMF)的最先进的盲源分离方法,该方法在各种环境中都可以在各种环境中效果很好。但是,其沉重的计算成本阻止了其在实时处理中的应用。相反,一种使用深神网络(DNN)来估算语音和噪声的空间信息的有监督的束形方法很容易适合实时处理,但在不匹配的条件下,性能急剧下降。鉴于这种互补特征,我们提出了一种基于基于DNN的横梁成形的双过程强大的在线语音增强方法,并通过FastMNMF引导的适应性。 FastMNMF(后端)以迷你批次样式进行,嘈杂和增强的语音对与原始的并行训练数据一起使用,用于更新方向感知的DNN(前端),并在可计算上可允许的间隔内进行反向传播。该方法与盲遗产方法一起使用,称为加权预测错误(WPE),用于抄写扬声器的嘈杂的回响语音,可以从视频中检测到,或以用户的手势或眼睛注视,以流式传输方式和空间显示。用AR技术的转录。我们的实验表明,仅使用十二分钟的观察,随着运行时间的适应,单词错误率提高了10点以上。
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通过一系列联邦举措和命令,美国政府一直在努力确保美国在AI中的领导。这些广泛的战略文件影响了美国空军美国部(DAF)等组织。DAF-MIT AI加速器是DAF和MIT之间的一项计划,以弥合AI研究人员与DAF任务要求之间的差距。DAF-MIT AI加速器支持的几个项目正在开发公共挑战问题,这些问题解决了许多联邦AI研究的重点。这些挑战是通过公开可用的大型AI-Ready数据集,激励开源解决方案,并为可以激发进一步研究的双重使用技术创建需求信号,来针对优先事项。在本文中,我们描述了正在开发的这些公共挑战以及它们的应用如何促进科学进步。
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